A Nonprofit’s Website Is A Tool For Building Deeper Relationships

a graphical list of the features a nonprofit website should include

The Essential Functionalities a Nonprofit Website Should Include A good website is essential for your nonprofit organization; it serves as one of the most powerful tools and the foundation of your online presence. A strong website increases visibility through user-friendly design, educates new supporters, promotes projects and events, and encourages people to contribute.  However, creating…

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Where Did You Come From?

Louis Zwart (1866-1934) and his wife Anna Duker (1867-1941) enjoyed the outdoors in their leisure time and often camped at Montauk Point, Long Island, New York. They are my Dutch great-grandparents. “Genealogists: they’re just grad students without the Pell Grant funding or a degree waiting for them at the end.” Buzzy Jackson, Shaking the Family…

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