The concept of 'Immortals' and 'The Game' belongs to Panzer/Davis of Highlander. So it stands to reason that the character of Adam Pierson and any other Highlander characters that are likely to pop up are the creation and property of Panzer/Davis. No copyright infringement is intended or implied. Several upcoming characters will belong to their creators on the RPG list and I will point those out as they appear. In this story, Erin does not belong to me. Erin belongs to Carrie. hey girl!!! Van and Reid belong to me. Landon belongs to herself and to Rain (me).

Thank you to my beta readers: Lorenzo and Kim

Landon's Diary
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
November 27, 2000
Bon Jovi Concert
Part 1

She wore black leather pants that looked as if they'd been painted onto her body. A gold Superman logo graced the front of her red baby T-shirt. Her black hair hung shiny and loose about her ears, the ends curling up and flying away. Draped over it all was that huge mauve coat, within its folds a sword and a mini-disc recorder. Bootlegs R US!

Outside Toronto's Air Canada Centre, in the climate controlled Galleria Walkway, Landon hung up the payphone. She swore to herself that all she needed was to hear Adam Pierson's British baritone. She left no message on his voice mail. What would be the point? He could track her with his credit card history. And if he was doing that, Landon was not yet aware. Adam hadn't cancelled the card resting in her pocket. He didn't usually take this long though. Landon wondered what was wrong, but not for very long. She could wait as long as he could to confront him with her knowledge of Alexa's existence.

Landon ran back inside the Air Canada Centre through the Grand Entrance. Bon Jovi would take the stage in less than an hour. The opening band, Less Than Jake, was less than good; they were terrible. Many people milled around in the corridor. Landon found the person she was searching for: Van, a thin dark-haired boy she'd met at the airport. Van was sixteen. His brother was twenty-two and sitting down on the floor f the arena with Erin O'Dell.

Van took Landon's hand and pulled her close. She stretched up and kissed him on the mouth. Mortal boys were so much fun to play with. All they asked of a girl was attention, unlike those older Immortal boys. Landon felt she would never know what they wanted.

The young couple continued to grope each other against the wall of the corridor. To passersby, if they weren't lip-locked, they would appear a pair of twins. Both stick thin, same length jet-black hair, pale skin; not to mention both wore black leather pants tonight. What else would one wear to a Bon Jovi concert? The last time the band toured was 1995. Even to Immortal Landon that seemed a lifetime ago. She thought again how lucky she had been to run into front row tickets right when she'd stepped off the plane at the Toronto airport. Uh, she meant, how lucky to run into Van and his brother, Reid, who had two extra tickets. Yeah.

Van's bony finger nudged Landon's side. She moaned but didn't break off the kiss. He tickled her. She pulled away before her laughter would cause her to bite off his tongue.

"Come on, Landon, I don't wanna miss the start of the concert," Van urged.

"Okay," Landon replied. "But I wanna buy a T-shirt. I always buy a T-shirt." Landon tried to drag him toward the souvenir stand with no luck.

"Later," Van laughed. "You can buy one after the show. They won't run out. Trust me."

"If you say so." Landon hopped back in his direction. She was pumped for this concert. She knew she had always been hot for Jon Bon Jovi. She'd followed him his whole career, in first music and now movies. The New Jersey boy only got better with age. Just like her.

The two kids walked hand in hand into the open arena. The huge number of fans was overwhelming. The energy pulsed all around Landon. She couldn't keep the smile off her face. So much love here for Bon Jovi. And Bon Jovi loved their fans, too. This Crush tour had already proved the tour to top all others. And soon Landon would press record and be able to relive the night at any time and anywhere.

Landon looked down the stairs to the floor seats. Erin's red hair stood out against everything else. Van's brother, Reid, looked up and waved. Landon hoped the two of them were getting cozy. She didn't want to have to worry about baby-sitting Erin too much here in Toronto. It had been fate enough when she'd spotted the young Watcher in line next to her. Worse luck when Van and Reid invited Erin to trade her nosebleed ticket for their front row one.

The Immortal girl started down the steps when a lurching pain gripped her stomach. It quickly spread outward, turning to prickly warmth, and settled inside her brain. Landon shuddered and her brown eyes darted around her, searching the crowd. The Buzz she felt could only mean one thing. Another of her kind was near.

And now Landon saw him. A tall man, who looked to be in his mid-twenties, with dark hair and strange eyes, standing incredibly still at the very front of the upper level of the arena. Their eyes locked for a moment. Landon sensed something strange and familiar about the Immortal, but it wasn't a challenge being issued. She was glad for the moment, but now she could not be completely relaxed until she knew for sure that he meant her no harm.

Van tugged at Landon's sleeve. "Come on, let's go!"

"Yeah," she muttered back and glanced up at the upper level again. The man was gone.

Landon suddenly wished for a cigarette…or something stronger. This was going to be a long two-and-a-half hours.

to be continued

© 2000 Rain Pierson
first penned December 2000
revised through April 2001

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